5 Terrific YouTube Features That Could Make You Enjoy Using It A 100 Times More

Andi Zondi
5 min readFeb 26, 2022
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Do you ever use an app so frequently that you start coming up with ways their developers could make it even much easier for you to use it? Yes? No? Well, it happens to me more often than I like to admit, and I have made peace with it since I am a natural problem solver and find joy in improving our user experiences in digital spaces and other media types, whether as part of my work or for fun. I use YouTube a lot, and it’s safe to say that I spend more of my time there than any other social media platform. On YouTube, I learn multiple things, watch my favourite comedy shows and other videos I find entertaining and meet amazing people in the comment section at next to no cost. Here you will find five features that can be added to the YouTube application, which may seem very simple at first but do serve the purpose of making it easier to navigate the application and get the tasks that we always complete to be more effortless.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash
  1. Playlist Duplicator
  2. Timestamp Locator
  3. Multiple Videos/Playlist Selector
  4. Video Statistics
  5. Playlists and Downloads’ Search Button

Playlist Duplicator

Wouldn’t a one-click button for duplicating playlists make creating playlists on YouTube so much easier? We make different playlists for different categories. Sometimes, we need to copy a playlist from the same category to create a new and improved playlist while keeping the older version. As we know, playlists can have multiple videos, with the maximum being 5000. Since YouTube hasn’t created a multiple video selector button, moving specific videos to different playlists can be time-consuming. A playlist duplicator function would make creating, duplicating, and modifying playlists much easier and, with the aid of a multiple video selector function, can make the process even much better.

Timestamp Locator

I know I’m not the only one who has thought this is a much-needed feature on YouTube because locating a timestamp on the application is not the easiest, whether the video is long or short. On the other hand, finding a timestamp on the desktop is much easier than on mobile because the cursor can easily move to the desired video location and inputting the desired timestamp on the URL of the video is possible but still can be too much work. A timestamp locator feature would make navigating to specific timestamps more effortless, eliminating all the unnecessary and sometimes complicated ways to locate the desired timestamp.

Multiple Videos/Playlist Selector

This feature comes in quite handy, especially with the Playlist Duplicator. Implementing such a feature on YouTube could be a gamechanger in creating and modifying playlists because multiple videos could be selected at once, whether to be added or removed from a playlist, which could save users a lot of time when it comes to creating and modifying their playlists. As part of the subliminal community, I know this is a feature that fellow subliminal users could appreciate because it would make modifying and merging playlists much easier than it already is.

Video Statistics

There aren’t many ways that YouTube can let you know if you’ve watched a particular video before unless you’ve liked it, downloaded it (for mobile users), or it’s in one of your playlists. However, the playlist and download options is a long shot if you have a lot of videos in your playlist and downloads, and so far, YouTube doesn’t have a feature where you can search your playlist or downloads for a specific video with the tap of a button. In addition, there’s no way you can know if a video is in one of your playlists unless you remember adding it to that specific playlist, search for the video on your playlist or have the video recommended again with a tag that tells you that it’s in one of your playlists which is rare except when it’s on your Watch Later playlist. Now how great would it be if you could have a window where you could see the statistics about the video you’re currently watching? I am talking about the number of times watched, last time watched, if it’s added to any of your playlists and if it is, which ones. As someone who’s sort of like a resident on YouTube, I find this feature highly important because I watch many videos there and having statistics about the videos I watch would make me a happier YouTube user. There are many ways that users can use these statistics for their satisfaction, and it honestly wouldn’t hurt if YouTube added this feature to the application.

Playlists and Downloads’ Search Button

I did mention this feature on Video Statistics. I think it’s important to talk about it since a search feature is one of the essential features in an application, especially on an application as big as YouTube with over billions of videos to choose from. YouTube has already implemented this feature; however, it is missing when searching a playlist or downloads for a video. The feature would save many users a lot of time when it comes to searching for videos in their long list of videos in their playlists and downloads.

YouTube is a great application that has become a big part of the human experience through learning and entertainment in comedy, music, cute cat videos and so much more. I appreciate how the application’s designed because it rarely has any bugs and is very easy to use. I could count many other features and aspects that make YouTube great, but it will not compare to the application’s impressive statistics and quality, which echo its true greatness. However, these features would only make it better, improving the user experience and contributing further to the application’s growth.



Andi Zondi

Passionate about crafting great user experiences | Multidisciplinary Designer